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Searching for the best available rate

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What does the best rate consists of?

On our Official Website you always have the best online rate available guaranteed.

Our guarantee offers that if you make a reservation on our website and if, within the first 24 hours, you find a lower rate in other website available to the public, we will maintain the lowest price and we’ll give you an extra 5% discount.

Frequent Questions

How do I claim if I find a better rate?

If you find a lower price than the one you booked on our Official Website within the first 24 hours after the confirmation of your booking, you must submit a Best Rate Guarantee Claim to the e-mail (Click on the E-mail to see the Complete E-mail Address Protected by reCaptcha i…..@internerpowerhotel.com with the confirmation number of the reservation made on our Official Website.

Don’t forget to include a screenshot (Keys “Print Scr.” or “PrtSc key” or “Command-Shift-4” and paste) with the detail of the rules and restrictions of this rate that might be available.

Once our reservations team verifies that the information is correct and meets the necessary Terms and Conditions, we’ll contact you to notify the change of rate with the added 5% discount.